Monday, February 15, 2016

Abuse and ROBOTic (idiotic) education 'policies' at Moskowitz's Success Academies

ITS A sad day when people in power apply such abusive and simplistic 'methods' to intimidate innocent kids in the name of 'college readiness' nonsense. This video, widely distributed online, shows a poorly trained 'teacher' losing it with a 6year old girl, when the poor kid simply stumbles to find the 'correct' answer to some math problem. Test mad, bubble crazed , EDucrats who run these schools for money and personal gain. The kids come LAST despite the overly sentimental arguments Moskowitz makes in public, as she continually claims the media and the city and unions are plotting against her.

Here's the video first of all: (from the NYTIMES who received it from a former Asst teacher at the school ) :

So what's the big deal with having Charter schools as an option? So many ask this when I grimace when Success Academies is mentioned here in New York City. It's a system wide issue with this and other inner city charters filled with poor and minority students. Hiring 'teachers' who essentially despise children and childhood, forcing the students to behave like robots (notice the pose all the kids have in matching uniforms) , and literally SHAMING and using fear and punishments to get the 'correct ' answer. All wildly abusive teaching methods. And only the poor underserved parents need to subject their kids to this substandard 'Hunger Games' type of schooling. They (parents) often feel the school options are few and far between AND mistakenly assume that the way the kids appear in these charters (orderly, obedient) = good education . Alas, any great childhood educator will tell them otherwise.

Politicians, big private money, are deliberately allowing this substandard racist based education to populate our school buildings and offerings. Anyone ever wonder what type of school Moskowitz herself attended ? Not one of these that she is making the millions on. She is a child of NY privilege and went to schools barely diverse / (Stuyvesant , where she was known less for her intellect than for her own feisty outspoken behavior, railing against the teachers there) and I guarantee she didn't ever have any teacher berate and send her to any corner of the room. Ironically, staff at Eva's  Success chain are well known NOT to be allowed to speak harshly about their schools or their supervisors.

Rest assured, Success Academies has a purposeful abusive style / meant to quell any and all expression of real thinking or learning : rote memory, robotic behavior, kids standing in perfect lines and as in the above video, with their little hands so compliantly and UNnaturally crossed on fear of some other punitive result .... The horror is that we offer our poor and minority citizens no better options... And politicians and big money corporate 'deformers' such as Gates and Bloomberg, Arne Duncan & his lame duck successor from NY John King  continue to feed contracts to the wolves ...